Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Pray That Chicken Pox Will Not Spread

This is Johnbasha (left, 16), Arun (15) and Arun's mother, along with the little ones who are likely relatives of Arun's. Arun now has chicken pox and has been around many of our other children in recent days. He also attends a school where we have 18 of our children attending. Please pray for his quick recovery, and that it will not spread.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Update on Suresh

We asked you to pray for Suresh in the village of Thunagunta earlier in February. He has wasted his life and body away with drinking, but after getting tuberculosis stopped drinking and is coming with his Christian wife to the prayers (Christian services of any kind are generally referred to as "prayers"). Suresh previously was only able to take liquids and seemed to be in the process of dying. Now he is feeling a little better and is eating some food. Praise the Lord! Please continue to pray for him.

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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Happy 19th Birthday!

This is Iswarya, a girl we have known for years, but whom we do not support. She turned 19 in January. We like to see her and her siblings on their birthdays if possible. Iswarya seems to be doing well, now living with her parents, studying in college and making good grades. Please pray for Iswarya.

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Friday, February 28, 2025

RHM February Update

God Does Not Forget, RHM February Update

Please take some time to see the latest from the ministry in India. We are very thankful for the ministry the Lord has entrusted into our hands, and are confident that the end result will be the salvation of many souls. Praise the Lord!

 The photo below is Pavani and her little Keren with 3 nursing girls the Lord is using you to support. More about this in the update.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Pray for Our Boys Ministry

About 12 boys went on a theme park excursion recently. They had a time of prayer, worship and sharing the Word in one of their homes first, then went to another city to this park. From left are Arun, Sai, Pradeep, Johnbasha and Jone. They all have their stories and their spiritual journey, and we are trusting the Lord to do wonders in their hearts and through them to impact many people for the glory of GOD in future years. Please pray for this challenging, but potential-filled ministry to boys and young men.


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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Once in a Lifetime

A group of 35-40 adults (mostly mothers and grandmothers) and girls went on an excursion during some school holidays (Hindu festival) in January. This scene is nearby a fishing harbor by the town of Nizampatnam. The girls didn't get to go into the water this time, but they enjoyed the outing. These excursions are all rare opportunities for many of the children, something they might never be able to do again except when they have an opportunity to join with the ministry. The girl on the right is 14 year old Soniya, who loves the Lord very much. It brings joy to see her smiling face. Continue to pray for the Lord's blessing upon the children's ministry.

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