Thursday, October 17, 2024

Visiting Hurting Families

Below is Brother Marthababu (his wife with the camera) sharing with Jayasri's family. The father of this home passed away unexpectedly with a heart attack on Christmas Eve 2023, which of course has been devastating for this precious family with 5 children. They are doing much better now, these visits and the love being shown to them through the Body of Christ (including financial support) going a long way to drive the fear and brokenness out of their hearts. Thank You Lord for working through Your people to "heal the brokenhearted". From left the children are Sowmya (18), Pavan (boy, 12), Sreeya (14), Danny (10) and Suma (16). Please pray for this precious family.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

RHM October Newsletter

RHM October Newsletter

Take a few minutes to go through this month's newsletter. Perhaps most of the content is about some recent meetings that were conducted during a Hindu festival (giving school and college children some holidays). It seems that many of the youth and children were impacted for the Lord. Hallelujah!

Thank you always for your prayers and support. Continue to pray for the Lord's favor upon this ministry in India, even in troubled times when so many needs are here in the US and abroad. Bless you!
 Below is Brother Prasanth and a couple of other brothers with about 25 boys having a time of prayer. They were actually going to the beach, but stopped either before or after to have this time of prayer, singing and sharing the Word.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Laboring for Souls!

A pastor named Prasanth (who helps us in ministry) is sharing the Word with a group at the house of 2 sisters whom we work with, Akshaya (14) and Abhinaya (13). We asked you to pray for Abhinaya recently, who was seriously ill with dengue fever. She is doing fine now, sitting in the front row of children in this meeting. Praise the Lord! Please pray for the 8 or 9 brothers and sisters who are visiting and sharing the Lord's Words with the people. JESUS said to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19-20), and this is the primary goal of all the ministry going forth to the precious children, families and elderly: salvation and making disciples.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Blessy's 22nd Birthday!

 Blessy is with her little nephew, Goldbabu ("golden boy") on her 22nd birthday. We're pretty sure that golden boy didn't buy that gift himself, but he has much love for his Aunt Blessy. Blessy lives with her grandmother (part of our widows ministry) and aunt. Pray for Blessy, who has also suffered recently from dengue fever. She is studying in college, hoping to be a lab technician. She has a scholarship, but we do help some with her college expenses.

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Help for Our Sister

This woman's name is Dwarakamma. She's married and is not on our widows & elderly list, but has had breast cancer, so your donations have helped her from time to time with medical treatment. She has a daughter (Hindu) who has 2 little girls (about 10 and 8), who have been coming to Sunday School meetings and tutoring classes. They love to learn songs and memorize Scriptures, and do very well. Dwarakamma and her husband are both faithful believers. Please pray for them, and for the salvation of other family members.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Birthday Twins!

These precious girls, Martha (left) and Mary, had a traumatic beginning in life. Apparently they were born prematurely, Martha coming first and weighing "one kilogram", the equivalent of 2.2 pounds. Mary weighed a "half kg", which would be 1.1 pound. These are approximate measurements, and probably not precise, but they were very small. The doctor, obviously a calloused person, told them directly that Mary would not live, so better to throw her in the dustbin (yes, it is a different world, but not anymore cruel than many abortions). The grandmother kept Mary in a blanket for 10 days, apparently the hospital staff not knowing she was still alive. After about 10 days (the mother feeding her as much as she could), they showed her to the doctor, who was shocked. At that point the hospital staff began to take proper care of her. Praise the Lord for His loving Hand upon these girls! 

To the far left in the photo is their brother, Prem, and to the right is Prem's young wife Chandrika and her baby, Benny. Please pray for Martha and Mary, precious girls who had their 19th birthday on September 21st. Both girls are a little susceptible to colds and fevers, perhaps more than most children, but are doing well and in their 1st year of nursing college. They love the Lord, and attend all of our meetings that they possibly can. 

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