Saturday, August 31, 2024

Does the Lord Still Heal?

RHM August Update

 In this update we talk about how the Lord is still a healing GOD, "the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8.  There's some praise reports, and many prayer requests. Please open, and keep us in your prayers!

Below is a tutoring class, reduced in numbers because it's now being conducted in a church (story inside the update).

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

His Mercy for the Poor

Proverbs 19:17 says, "He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and He will pay back what he has given." This Verse tells us something very important about the Heart of our Father: though He is so high, so great, yet He cares for the poor. "For though the LORD is exalted, yet He regards the lowly," Psalms 138:6

Below are some of our widows & elderly in a village we simply call Jampala ST (a long name). The woman with albinism is one of 2 female pastors who have given their life to minister among the "tribal" people in a village very near to them. All the other women in the photo are part of that village. The woman in the background (who's very thin, with her head shaved) is Ruthamma. She was stricken with polio as a baby, so has physical and mental handicaps. All of them are poor, and part of our widows & elderly ministry. Please pray for them.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Happy 19th Birthday Shiny!

Shiny is with her 3 year old niece, Aradhya, on Shiny's 19th birthday on the 10th of this month. Shiny is a spiritual girl, taking baptism last year, and she teaches a Sunday School class at her church each week. She's also very good in studies, now studying in her 1st year of a nursing course in college. Please pray for Shiny, who has had several bouts with sickness of various kinds recently. Yesterday also, her mother took her to the hospital for some tests. 


Monday, August 26, 2024

Pray for Our Special Meetings

Whenever there are school holidays, we try and take advantage of that by having some type of special meetings, or by taking some of the children on an excursion somewhere. Today also was a school holiday (a Hindu festival), so there was a meeting with children and some adults in one of the local villages. In October there will be a major Hindu festival which is generally called Dasara, when many of the schools and colleges will close for 5 to 10 days, depending upon govt rules, the particular college, etc. I'm sure the brothers we work with will arrange some special meetings and/or excursion to try and bring some spiritual benefit to the children. Below is a group of about 15 children who went with 5 adults to a city called Vizag. Here they are at the zoo. Please continue to pray for the precious ministry to children and their families.

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pray for This Sick Girl

 This is Martha (left) and her twin sister Mary (both now 18) when they went on an excursion to Hyderabad in 2023. Please pray for Martha, who has not felt well for several days: fever, body pains and weakness. Brother Raju took her to the hospital last night for a checkup. She missed our Sunday afternoon meeting for the first time this year this last Sunday, so she definitely has not been well.

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Friday, August 23, 2024

Happy 15th Birthday Pradeep!

Pradeep's sister, Navya (12) is giving cake to him on his 15th birthday, August 8th. Their parents are both living, the father a shepherd, and the mother helping with small children in a school. The parents both seem to be faithful believers. Pradeep is studying his first year of "intermediate college", which is the American equivalent of the 11th grade (junior in high school). Please pray for Pradeep, that he will have a hunger for the things of GOD in the midst of a world with so many allurements and distractions.


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