Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Monthly Food Distribution

A couple of years ago we were able to give over $1,000 worth of food each month to over 30 families, besides some monthly help to other families needing more assistance. The Lord knows why (we don't), but financial leanness caused us to make some cuts in the budget. Now we are giving less than $150 worth of food each month to 22 families, and also giving a larger amount of food to several other families with greater needs. We are thankful for His provision to help anyone we can in JESUS' Name, trying to teach them and guide them in His ways at the same time. Below is Jyothi (middle, 16) with her mother, Mary, and Jyothi's older sister Pavani, who has some mental impairment. Jyothi's father has health problems and is not able to work, and Pavani needs continual care, so when the father isn't able to care for her, the mother is not able to work either. So your donations are providing about $35 a month worth of food (which goes a lot further in India), and helping Jyothi with her 10th grade education. Please pray for this family, and for the monthly food distribution.

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