Wednesday, January 30, 2019

RHM January Newsletter
Click onto the above link to see this month's newsletter. And please pray!! Thanks.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Pray for this girls home/meeting place under construction. This is in another part of India, RHM having some part in the support of the girls home. The white part of the building is a preexisting building, being used for church and pastors meetings. The remaining part is the girls home under construction. Right now these 11 girls are in a rental home, the new owner wanting to occupy that house soon. Pray the Lord will provide the necessary finances for completion.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

PRAY for Brothers Wesley and Dan, who have gone to another area of India for ministry. This is a nice photo of Wesley, along with pastors and girls (part of a girls home RHM is assisting with) in this area. Traveling back to the HOPE area of India (and where most of the widows/elderly ministry is) on Saturday and Sunday.

Monday, January 21, 2019

PRAY FOR ISWARYA, who turned 13 today. If you've followed the blog, you may have noticed she's the 4th HOPE child to have a birthday in the last 5 days. Iswarya (whose name means wealth, riches or prosperity, depending on which web page you're getting the meaning from) is a talented girl, doing most everything she does with a full heart. Perhaps more than any other HOPE child, she is unashamed to sing for the Lord. From the time she was very small (she came to HOPE in 2012), she has sang with all her heart. We are very thankful for Iswarya, now studying in the 6th grade. Pray she will continue on the path of loving our Lord with all her heart, desiring to make Him known to a lost and needy world around her.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Pray for Precious Hepsiba, who turned 11 today. Hepsiba has been in HOPE since 2016, now studying in the 4th grade. A sweet girl, sensitive to rejection and sadness. Probably still needs some healing in her heart. Many children struggle for years to understand why their parent or relatives have put them in another home. Had many little aches and swelling in her body the first couple of years, but doing much better now. Loves to sing to the Lord. The below photo is when the HOPE School had its Christmas function.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

HOPE's SUNIL seems to be enjoying his time with this tiger. The HOPE children went to a park recently, the compound walls covered with paintings of wildlife. The children wanted MANY photos taken of them with the animals, birds, etc. 
PRAY FOR SUNIL, who turned 17 yesterday. He's the oldest boy in the boys home, now studying in a vocational school, learning diesel mechanics.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Pray for HOPE's Sudha Rani (bigger girl in photo), who turned 13 today the 17th. She's a nice girl, in HOPE since she was 4 years old. Very talented, with leadership qualities. Pray for her, that her energy and enthusiasm will be channeled into a life of love and service to our Savior and King. She's now in the 8th grade.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"You have been a Defense for the helpless..." Isaiah 25:4
I don't know what gets you excited in life, but one of the most exciting things in life is having a part in His amazing love for the poor and downtrodden. Lord willing, we should be soon starting a new little home for the widow staying in this shanty, Sugunamma, in the village of Bangarakkapalem.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

PLEASE JOIN WITH US IN PRAYER. We very much need new donors to take the place of a number of donors who have dropped off over the last year or so. Some have chosen not to continue on with their monthly giving when we had to make a changeover of our donation page within the RHM website (or maybe they will do later, we don't know). And we also have some who have given more in the past, but are not currently able, or they feel the Lord leading them in a different direction in regard to their giving. 

All that is fine. We trust the Lord for all things. But bottom line is that faith alone will not put food on a child's plate. The widows ministry is currently well funded. The believers we're connected with in a more persecuted area of India, they also are doing okay, although we would like to help them more. It's the HOPE ministry which could be affected by a shortage of funds. Thankfully, we had some extra funds come in at the end of the year, but realistically, those funds get swallowed up pretty quickly when there's much more going out than what's coming in. There is also a real need for more Godly staff to work with the children, people who have a love for children and burden to serve them, and whom the children can bond with and see JESUS in their lives.

Pray that the Lord will help us to hear His Voice in regard to this matter, and in His mercy will provide the new donors and increased donations needed to keep this ministry functioning for the glory of our precious Lord.

"My soul, wait in silence for GOD only, for my hope is from Him."
                                                                                   Psalms 62:5
New children brought into HOPE around 2015. Because of the
shortage of funds and extra staff needs, new children have not come
 into HOPE since 2016. Thanks for your prayers!

The GOD Who Answers Prayer

Click onto the above link to see a nice devotional about the power & blessing of prayer, and the One Who answers! 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Click onto the following Update link to get the January Update from RHM. We trust that it will bless and strengthen you.
January 2019 Update

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

MARIAMMA, part of RHM's widows & elderly ministry. She has lived in a hut perhaps all of her life. Her mother's body passed a few years ago and she's been staying alone. A prayerful woman in the village of Alluru. Recently her hut was near to collapsing, so her 3 daughters and their husbands agreed to help build this small home for her. Her daughter (abandoned by her husband) will stay in one side of the house, Mariamma in the other, perhaps between 150 and 200 square feet. RHM supplied the funds for the metal roof over Mariamma's part of the house, plus the metal frame. PTL for His marvelous provision for those in need. Also thankful for her children, as most of our widows & elderly don't have this kind of support from their children or grandchildren.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

One of a multitude of nice photos with HOPE children, adults, and here in the HOPE School. These girls are all sisters who attend the school, from the oldest to youngest: Byula (which means "married"), Karuna ("mercy") and little Krupa ("grace").

Friday, January 4, 2019

All those at HOPE will sorely miss this dear woman. 
Kotamma (below with little Moses several years ago) has been living in the HOPE Girls Home for many years. Her body died this morning (the 4th). She was a very simple woman, not able to read or write, and unwanted by her relatives. Seems that all her family is Hindu, and she wasn't a real Christian when she came to HOPE. But over the years she embraced the Savior, and we have that living Hope that we will see her in glory.
   Though elderly and weak, she daily would do what she could to help around the home, and help with cutting vegetables or serving food to the children. She had a love and concern for the children and others in HOPE, and they had a love for her. Praise GOD for His "blessed hope", the hope and soon-to-become-reality of seeing our precious Lord JESUS face to Face: no more weakness, no more sickness, sadness, pain, rejection, loneliness, fear, temptations, etc. Just eternity in the glory and rewards of our Lord for those who remain faithful unto Him. Revelation 2:10; 17:14; 21:4