Tuesday, July 30, 2019

PRAY FOR ELIZABETH, girl on the far right. She's 9 years old, and has had the interesting habit of eating slate pencils and chalk since she was small. Even with much counseling and correction, she has continued all these years. She started having some stomach pains and other problems, and is not eating properly. Pray for wisdom and healing. Thanks!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Our HOPE children playing:
 Click onto the above link to see our HOPE children playing at our HOPE new building home in Chintayapalem during Holiday.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Prayer time with widows: 
Click onto the above link to see the  nice prayer meeting with widows in the India village of Cheemalapenta.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I thank our Father GOD and Lord JESUS for this ministry, as it is continually a testimony of Their great love toward a hurting and needy world. Take time to read, and may you be inspired to be a part of making a difference in these broken lives here in India.

Chinnamayi from the village of Chinthayapalem. The Lord provided her with a new roof via
the widows & elderly funds in July 2018.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

PRAISE THE LORD FOR A NEW BABY! The first girl to come into HOPE was Sravanthi at almost 3 years old in 1998. Now 23 years old and married, she had her first baby on July 19th. This is the happy Dad, Anil, holding little Akshay Shahas Prince. Don't remember the meaning exactly, but something about Glorious Prince. Both mother and baby are healthy by the grace of GOD. Continue to pray for them.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cute little children dance:
Click onto the above link to see our HOPE and HOPE School little children doing action song during CBC program in our HOPE School.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


Click onto the above link to read the latest from RHM. Appreciate your prayers!!

Krupamma and her husband. She's now had both legs amputated. Story in Update.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

PRAY FOR KRUPAMMA, a member of our widows & elderly ministry. We have asked you to pray for her previously; she has severe diabetes and had to have one leg amputated maybe one year ago. Again she got a wound that wouldn't heal and became infected. The doctors tried for 2 or 3 months to use medication and treatment, hoping to save the other leg. Sadly, one or 2 weeks ago the 2nd leg also was amputated. Though you can't tell in this photo, both legs have been removed just above the knee. Her mind has also been greatly affected through this whole ordeal; she needs the Lord's touch in her life. "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalms 34:18

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dance by our cute little ones: 
Click onto the above link to see our HOPE cute little ones doing nice Hindi song & dance during Christmas function in the tribal village of Nandhaya palem.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Our HOPE boys doing dance:
Click onto the above link to see our HOPE boys doing nice Telugu song and dance during Christmas function in the village of Golapalem. 

A MUCH HAPPIER GIRL! HOPE's Veni (10) had her boils cut open last week, and she's much better now. Thanks to all who prayed! He's always been faithful to watch over these children.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Girls doing dance:Click onto the above link to see girls doing nice Hindi dance.These 2 girls (left to right: Suvasmitha ,Sabita) are from a girls home RHM has a part in supporting in India. Here they're dancing to a song during a prayer meeting (in America we would more call it a church service).