Sunday, June 30, 2024

Receiving Their Books

Thank you to all our donors who are helping with the children's education! Here, the 7th grade children have received their new school books in one of the schools we are involved with. From left are boys Pavan and Jeevan, girls Bhavya Sri and Mythilli on the right. The first 3 children RHM is sponsoring, while Mythilli has a different sponsor. Thank you for helping us. Please pray for the children and their education. We have about 50 or more this year that we are assisting with education, from 1st grade through college.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Cute Kids!

Not sure what they are raising their hands for, but no doubt they are responding to Brother Bhaskara Rao, who helps us with Sunday School classes in 5 different villages. He has a real burden for the children, doing fulltime children's ministry all around the surrounding districts. Bhaskara Rao is in more of a supportive role, as 4 of the 5 village churches have regular Sunday School classes each week. This brother comes once or twice a month to each of these 5 village churches, doing puppet shows, magic tricks, teaching songs and Bible stories. The Lord is certainly using him to strengthen these Sunday School ministries, and to draw more children to the classes as well. Please keep this Sunday School ministry in your prayers, ministering to 45-60 children each month. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Happy 14th Soniya!

In both photos, Soniya is the girl to the left. In the first photo, she and her little sister, Divya, are exchanging cake. In the group photo, from the left are Soniya, Divya, the youngest sister Kavya, the mother of the 3 girls, and on the right is Akshaya, a friend of the family, and also one of our children we help in ministry. Please pray for Soniya, now in the 9th grade. Among the 70 or so children whom we are regularly or semi-regularly involved with, Soniya has one of the more tender hearts for the Lord.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Back to School! RHM June Update

Exciting days for our children as they go back to their schools and colleges after summer holidays (generally running from late April to early June). Please read. Surely the Lord's blessed us with some of the most beautiful children on earth. 😊

Below are some of the children whom RHM is sponsoring for education.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Continue to Pray for Naomi

Sister Naomi had a "water bubble" on her foot, assuming this means some type of blister or infected area with puss. Already Naomi has lost 2 of her toes on her right foot due to diabetes; this time the problem is the big toe on the left foot. You might remember that when she lost the big toe on her right foot in January 2021, on the very same day (in the same hospital) her husband died from severe diabetes-related problems. We thank the Lord for our donors who have given so that the widows & elderly ministry can assist them in time of need. Please pray for Naomi as it comes to your heart.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Baby Girl is Doing Better

This is little Pandu (her nickname, Raju & Pavani's baby), born on June 8th. Around the 16th or 17th she had to be taken to the hospital, diagnosed with jaundice, a cold and "blood infection". She got worse and was put in ICU, which is where this photo was taken. We praise the Lord that, by His grace she began to improve, and was taken home today (22nd). Our life can turn for the worse so quickly, so we give Him much thanks for His mercy upon this baby.