Friday, September 20, 2024

Birthday Girls!

Bhavana (left, getting cake) turned 13 on Sept. 6th, and Sandhya turned 21 on Sept. 3rd. Brothers Raju & Marthababu, and Marthababu's wife, Pavani, went to their town to celebrate with them in between those 2 dates. Sandhya's brother, Abraham, is giving her cake, while her sister, Divya, is giving cake to Bhavana, who is their cousin. We have been visiting this street in Ponnur for about 3 years now. Please pray for Bhavana and Sandhya.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

RHM September Newsletter

RHM September Newsletter

Attached is our September newsletter, sharing about the passing of 2 of our widows, and the difficulties of another elderly woman and a young widow (critical needs in their lives). But there's also the blessing of a marriage, the healthy birth of a little girl, and other news. As usual, several prayer requests are also included. We are very thankful to those of you who take the time to pray for these precious and often needy people. "When you did it unto the least of these My brethren, you did it unto Me." Matthew 25:40

Below is Brother Wesley giving some medical reimbursement to one of our elderly (more about this in the newsletter).

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

He Who Believes in Me

When the Lord JESUS was conversing with Martha after the death of her brother, Lazarus, "Martha said to Him, 'I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” John 11:24. In verses 25-26, "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Within the last day or so, 2 of our precious widows, Krupamma from the village of YR Palem, and Naomi from Bapatla (who we asked you to pray for in our latest post), both passed from this earth. Thank you so much for your prayers for all our elderly, children and others we ask you to pray for. But we have hope in the Words, the PROMISES of our precious Lord, "He who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die." Do you believe this? Please pray for those who need comforting at this time. 

The top photo is of Krupamma, perhaps the last photo we have of her. And the lower photo is of Naomi from months ago. 


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Monday, September 16, 2024

Birthday and Update on Widow

On the 10th of this month we asked you to pray for Naomi, who had fallen and broken her hip. She should not have been released from the hospital, but on the 14th her son's wife came and took her to their village, even though she was unable to eat, vomiting anything she tried to eat. The latest report we have is that her blood sugar level had spiked to over 600, and that she was having bad headaches (perhaps from the high sugar level, but some are suspecting that she might have also hit her head when she fell and broke her hip). She has been returned to a larger hospital. Please pray for our Lord's healing and comfort in her life. 

Below is Sister Chanti (one of our younger widows) with her son Paul on his birthday in late August. Because the village people often do not know much about time and dates, and because birth records are often incorrect, we are not sure of Paul's age. The mother says he is 16, but we feel that he is younger. We have asked you to pray for Chanti and Paul many times, both of them having had serious health problems. By our Father's grace and love, both are stable and doing well at this time. Please pray for Paul and his mother.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Anusha's Marriage!

Anusha (now 29) is a girl we have been involved with for many years. We have also asked you to pray for her and her family many times over the last few years. In November 2020 she got married to a young man named Prabhakar. She very quickly became pregnant, and around September '21 had a baby boy named Jonah. Close to the same time that Jonah was born, Prabhakar was diagnosed with leukemia. About a year and a half later (March 2023), Prabhakar's body died. He loved the Lord, and it was a big struggle for all of us, especially Anusha, of course. Through no effort of her own, a pastor helped to make an arrangement for another marriage with the young man below, named Jacob. Please pray for them to have a Christ-centered marriage, and for little Jonah to adjust quickly to a new father. We hope and pray that years down the road, Anusha will still be as happy as she is in this photo.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Happy 13th Birthday Jeevan!

For sure, Jeevan (middle) enjoyed having several other boys over for his 13th birthday celebration earlier this month. The birthday functions we do usually consist of singing, sharing the Word, prayer, and then cake. Brother Raju and Jeevan's mother were also there. The 3 boys on the left are all boys your donations are helping (education, food for their family, whatever else is needed): Paul (left), Johnbasha and Arun. The boys on the right: Pavan, Prasanth and Samuel, are not assisted by RHM, but are Godly examples for the boys, who help out with their church ministry in various ways. Please pray for Jeevan.

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