Sunday, July 5, 2020

Words of GOD

How Do We Hear or Read the Words of GOD?

1 Thessalonians 2:13 says, “when you received the Word of GOD which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the Word of GOD, which also performs its work in you who believe.”

This is such an important question: HOW do we hear or read His Word? Do we truly understand that, when we read or hear from the Bible, that it is our GOD speaking to us, and not man? I understand the doubts and debates concerning supposed mistakes or contradictions within the Bible, and I’m certainly not skilled enough to enter into those debates. But mistakes or not in some of the details, those who love Him, those who have truly repented and received His Holy Spirit into their hearts, they KNOW that His Words are LIVING Words, not at all like the thoughts and opinions of men.

Do we understand that His Word is our Instruction Book, our Guideline as to how we should live our lives here on this earth? When you hear or read, are they simply good suggestions which you can “take it or leave it”? We might be able to do that with human beings who may not be our rightful authorities, but can we do that with our Creator? When we hear His judgments and warnings, do we just carelessly forget them, as if we have little faith that these things will actually come to pass? Is there no fear of GOD or trembling at His Words? Many times the Bible talks about “trembling” or that we should “tremble” before Him, and yet those who don’t really believe in His judgments have reduced “fear and trembling” into mere respect for the GOD of the Universe!

What about His Promises and blessings? When we hear or read about these things, do we take it lightly? For those of us who heard about the “stimulus check” which the US government was distributing during the early stages of Corona, did you take it lightly? Of course not. If you’re like me, you were probably searching the internet to see first of all, did you qualify to receive? After that was confirmed, you were likely searching to see WHERE IS IT? We don’t take earthly blessings for granted, so how much more should we want to grab hold of EVERY blessing which the Father has made available to us through His Son’s Blood?!

Sadly, because most do not really BELIEVE His Words (perhaps all of us included at times), we are often like people going through a smorgasbord or buffet, choosing what we like and leaving the rest behind. Of course, if we have that kind of mind, what parts of GOD’s Word do you think we’ll be choosing: the warnings of judgment? His demands of obedience or repentance? No, we’ll be choosing only what tastes best to us spiritually, most likely that being His blessings and love.

May the Lord help us to somehow BELIEVE all of His Word, applying it into our lives in whatever way it should be applied. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of GOD may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

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