The Lord JESUS said that "with man it is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 That can apply to so many things, and it also applies to change that He alone can do within a person's heart. The bigger boy on the bed with these cute little neighbors of his is Jeevan. Now 12 years old, in 2021 and 2022 he had run away from 2 different hostels, was staying with his distraught mother and totally out of control. I remember visiting his home in early '23 and no one, especially his mother, could reason with him. He was roaming the neighborhood with older boys, and we knew that only a miracle could stop him from destroying his own life at a young age. I had asked Brother Raju to visit him when he could, but not to feel obligated if Jeevan would not listen to anything he said. We think one thing the Lord used in Jeevan's life is that he was drawn to Raju's wife, Pavani. She could talk with him, and he would listen (at least a little bit). We would not invite Jeevan to most of our meetings or excursions because of not wanting his disobedient spirit or bad mouth from influencing other boys. But something happened around June '23, and we began to see big changes in Jeevan's life. Previously he was not at all doing good in school, not attending regularly, and not interested in spiritual things. Now he is in a school with 20 of our other children, and goes mostly every day unless he's not feeling well. His character has changed so much, and now he comes to most all of our meetings, and all of the boys' excursions. He's bonded to Raju, and allows him to bring correction and instruction into his young life. These 3 boys on the bed with him are from non-Christian homes, and we hope Jeevan can now be a good example for them. Truly, we and his mother are praising GOD for the changes. Pray that Jeevan will continue to draw near unto the Lord.