Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Family Visit

Brother Marthababu is sitting with Akshaya (14) and her grandmother, his wife Pavani using the camera. This couple visits many families with children, trying to see at least 20 children (usually in their homes) on a weekly basis and many more on a semi-regular basis (at least once or twice a month). Happy to see that Akshaya's grandmother was able to purchase an air cooler for their home. The grandfather died more than a year ago, and she has worked hard to care for Akshaya. Please pray for Akshaya and her grandmother, especially that they will walk close to JESUS.

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Monday, July 29, 2024

Remember the Poor, RHM July Update

See the latest from the field in India. Please keep us in your prayers, and THANK YOU for your involvement in this ministry!
Below is a couple of girls staying with our Sister Mary now (more in the update).

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Enjoying Lunch and Fellowship

During a recent school holiday, boys were gathered together for a special meeting in one of their homes. They had a time of worship, prayer, sharing the Word, more prayer, and then had lunch together. Not sure if they continued with their meeting after lunch or not. Not really understanding the crooked photos, but that seems to be popular these days. 😏

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Friday, July 26, 2024

New Books for Children

These children all received new books in June for this 2024-25 school year. From left is Paul (6th grade), Jaison (5th), Abhishek (6th), Danny (5th), Kavya (1st) and Divya (5th). All 4 fathers of the 4 boys died of different causes. The 2 girls are sisters, their mother leaving the father because of much abuse. Please pray for these children, and for their studies. 

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Morning Devotions

Brother Marthababu is leading 14 girls in a song during morning devotions. These girls, along with at least 5 adults went to a place called Vizag. It was a quick 3 or 4 day trip altogether, including long train rides there and back. In the midst of going to the zoo, the beach and other activities, they always try to have morning and evening devotions, as much as possible. We are thankful to our donors who have helped us with funds for these bonding activities with the children.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Memorial Service

One of our girls, Shine (12 or 13, her name pronounced like Shiney), lost her father in a tractor accident about one year ago. Her mother held a memorial service in her home recently, remembering that it's been one year since he passed. Bro. Prasanth is sharing, Shine being the 2nd girl from the right (under the stove), and her mother in the doorway looking up. Your donations are helping Shine with her education. Please pray for her family: mother, Shine and Shine's older brother Lazarus. 

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