Our Lord JESUS said in John 16:33, "These Words I have spoken to you, so that IN ME you may have peace..." Some
of us might feel like our nation is sitting on a powder keg that could
explode at any minute! But our true peace is not, and never was in the
things or circumstances of this world. Ephesians 2:14 says, "He Himself is our peace..."
take a few minutes to read this month's newsletter. If you will take
the time, I'm confident the Lord will touch your heart on behalf of the
needy ones in India. As the saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind."
Our brothers and sisters, and the children, in India are halfway around
the world. It is very easy to forget them, but our heavenly Father never
forgets them, and we praise the Lord that He would use you and I to be
extensions of His love and grace towards people whom many of us have
never seen personally. That truly is amazing love! Bless you, and remember, our true PEACE is found only in JESUS.
Below is Sister Chandramma, one of our widows, along with her 2 grandchildren, Deborah and Vijay Kumar, which your donations are assisting whenever they have a need.