I'm not really sure why some people feel they should be very serious in the photos, but our Brother Wesley (who oversees part of our widows & elderly ministry) is one of those people. He actually is a very friendly brother in the Lord with a great smile, but unfortunately we rarely see that in the photos he sends us from the ministry. Here he is with Chinamma in the church at VV Palem. We have 13 widows & elderly who attend this church from 2 different villages. Chinamma is married, but they are poor. We currently have 44 elderly who are receiving monthly support through this ministry via cash or food, and another 50 who are not receiving the monthly support, but are able to receive reimbursement for any medical expenses they might have. Continue to pray for the funding of our widows & elderly ministry going into 2025. If you know of any friends, believers or church members who have a heart for the widows/elderly, and think they could be interested in supporting this ministry, let them know about us. Thank you!
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