Brother Marthababu (right) is praying for a few villagers whom he and his wife visit regularly. There's about 6 families living in this village, all in huts with no bathrooms or running water. They might have run some electrical wires from some neighboring business or utility pole to their place, not sure. Because of their poverty, the police and govt officials have been lenient about them occupying some vacant property by the main road. They've been there for a few years now. We have invested quite a bit of time, love and resources into these people; a few have come to the Lord and the children occasionally come to the local Sunday School. The men are mostly drinkers and disinterested in spiritual matters, except for one young man who has come to the Lord along with his wife. His name is Venkaiah and his wife's name Deena. They haven't been able to have children; please pray for a miracle. If it's on your heart to pray for this village, you can call them the "Karla villagers". I used to refer to them as "tribals" or "tribal people", but although that is their designation within the Indian caste system, I'm thinking it creates a negative stigma in their minds that they are lower in status than others.