The Lord JESUS said that there is "rejoicing in the presence of the angels of GOD over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:10 We trust that they are also rejoicing when that sinner takes the step to identify themselves with Christ in baptism. The 2 on the right, Martha (17) and her mother Shivangi, took baptism in late December. What a change we have seen in their lives and circumstances over the last year and a half since we met them! Martha's twin sister, Mary (left), is hesitating before selling out to the Lord (she says she doesn't really understand about salvation and walking with GOD), but we're trusting Him to touch her heart in the soon and coming days. Their daddy died of Covid in 2020, and the family has suffered much since that time, but the Lord has and is continuing to do great things in their lives. Praise the Lord!