Saturday, June 17, 2023

Heartbreaking, but Precious in His Sight

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones." Psalms 116:15

Sister Dhanamma, a pastor's wife in the village of VV Palem in Andhra Pradesh, India died on the 15th of June. She was about 65 years old or older, and recently had a brain stroke. Many people came to honor her in this small village, her life lived in love and sacrifice for others. How can such a sad event be "precious" to the Lord? Our heavenly Father and Creator's ultimate purpose is not just to save us so that we can have a better life here on earth. His ultimate desire is for us to spend eternity with Him. No more struggles, pain, sadness or tears which we all deal with here in this life, but eternity with Him in His glory, peace and joy. 
It was a great honor to be able to be there during this time of remembering this sweet saint of GOD, and to be part of His comfort to so many broken relatives and friends. "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalms 34:18  This not only applies to healing which comes when we have a repentant heart, but also when His children are going through some tragedy or heart-rending situation in their lives. 
Below in the first photo is Brother Samuel, a pastor in this village and husband of Dhanamma. He's a simple and Godly man, sharing about his love for his wife and how much he will miss her, but also about her life of love and service to others. Both he and his son, Puthra (also a pastor), shared about her with tears. In the second photo is some children and grandchildren of Dhanamma weeping over her body shortly before she was put into a coffin and taken to the burial ground. 

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