About one week ago Bro. Raju and his wife Pavani had a children's meeting at the home of our twins, Martha and Mary. They have been desiring to have a meeting in their home for some time. Since there was a school holiday that day, it was time for their desire to be fulfilled. Because their home is small, they cleared out the furniture and other items so everyone would have a place to sit. About 18 or more children attended, plus a few adults. Pray for the children's ministry, this couple and another couple working fulltime to visit the families and share JESUS with them. There are many challenges, but we are seeing some good fruit. If you designate your gift for the children's ministry, it helps to provide for their education, plus any food, clothing or medical needs they might have. For some of the families we also are giving some monthly financial support because the mother, grandmother (or other caretaker) is struggling to provide for the children.