Thursday, February 17, 2022


In this photo is Akshaya (12), showing us her trophy and certificate for ranking as the 2nd best student in her class, now in 7th grade. We have about 40 children which we're assisting in education, whether it's school fees, books, uniforms, whatever. There's another 6 to 10 tribal village children that we're giving tutoring to (numbers fluctuate because of their inconsistency to attend), hoping to put all of them in a private school next year. Some of the children go to govt schools (we would call them "public schools" in America, but run by the govt). Generally, the govt schools have a lower standard of education. One village boy, Chinnu, is in the 3rd grade, but still doesn't know his alphabet. So through providing the children with a better education, it helps them academically, but perhaps more importantly, helps us to bond more with their families and gives us a better opportunity to share Christ and His ways with them. We have connected with one private school where the principal also has a heart to help the poor; he's agreed to take any of our children into his school at about $200 or a little more per year, which includes transportation. Pray for the children which RHM is trying to reach, as well as their families.

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