Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Pray for the Tabitha Tailoring Shop

Below are photos taken today for a new tailoring shop for women and girls. The top photo is brothers and sisters praying for the Lord's blessing upon the shop. The next photo is 6 young ladies who are planning to work in the shop, along with Sister Bujji who will oversee it. These ladies are all believers. This shop is a follow-up to a "tailoring training project" from November '20 thru Sept '21, training single mothers and unmarried girls how to do the tailoring. 

As the ladies were facing various challenges to being able to earn income after they learned their new skills (male domination in the tailoring market, Covid, their own shyness...), the Lord put it upon our hearts to start this shop. It's the only tailoring shop for women & girls' clothes that we know of in this area of India which is actually run by women. 

We had a sponsor for this shop during the planning stages, but that didn't work out. So now RHM is bearing the costs for the first 6 months (including supplementing the ladies' salaries), trusting the Lord to bless this endeavor so that it can stand on its own feet within that time frame. We're estimating the cost of this 6 month project at about $8,000. If any feel led to help us in this project, it is much appreciated. Please pray for the Lord's blessing upon the shop.

The sign above says "Tabitha Ladies Tailoring" (from Acts 9:36-42)

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