Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Honoring a Precious Saint

VIMALAMMA passed away on January 30th, passing away from this corrupt world in order to "be with Christ, which is far better." (Philippians 1:23)

Each time we would go to be with her (since she became mostly bedridden in 2019), she would cry, having a desire to leave this world. The Lord used her in her village to bring souls unto JESUS, a village where previously there were no believers. One of those souls was her daughter Jayamma (a widow herself, like her mother, and taking care of her mother for the last few years of her life). According to one brother who shared a message at her funeral, "her daughter Jayamma was filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a powerful time; she was praying, thanking GOD, and praising GOD with tears for her mother..." I can remember when I first met her around 2018, that she was still walking maybe 3/4 of a mile both to and from the church for services, well into her 70's at that time. She truly loved the Lord. Please pray for the Lord's comfort for Jayamma, family and church members who will miss her dearly.

Jayamma at her mother's coffin, shortly before taking her body to the cemetery.

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