Saturday, February 5, 2022

Wanna Ride?

Certainly not a typical Sunday School experience when a man comes through a rural village offering camel rides! Not sure if any of the children got to ride, but it was exciting for little eyes nonetheless. Camels might be a normal sight in some parts of India, but not in the areas where we do ministry. Pray for our ever-expanding children's ministry. Of course, it can only expand as the Lord provides donors, so please pray. We have a brother who usually leads Sunday School in 2 villages each week. And the Lord has brought more than 40 precious (and needy) children into our lives to help them with school/college expenses, medical needs, food and clothes needs, and anything else they might need. One of the most fruitful aspects of the children's ministry is that we're having a great opportunity to help their mothers and other relatives in the home to find Christ and draw closer to Him. All glory to Him! 1 Corinthians 10:31

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