Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Tutoring the Children

Most of these children normally don't attend school, being from tribal villages where their parents don't require them to go. This is one way in which the poverty level within the tribal villages just passes on from one generation to another. Several of these little ones are from a family where their father has 2 wives. Mostly he has forbidden his wives and their children to attend the church services or Sunday School, but occasionally he is allowing them to go. At this time, he and the other parents within the village are willing to send their children for daily tutoring, and we hope to send several of them to a private school when the next academic year begins in June (many private schools in India are ridiculously cheap compared to American private schools). They are meeting here at the tutor's home; her name is Mary. Pray for the protection, blessing and favor of the Lord upon this endeavor to help the children academically and spiritually.

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